Today we want to say a massive – and slightly overdue! – well done to the village of Tiffield, and specifically to our friends at The George.

Since Step Forward With Lewis became a business getting on for almost two years ago, Laura, Martin and the team at the pub have provided us with huge levels of support.

So we were really pleased in July to see Tiffield presented with a Gold Award and the prestigious title of Northamptonshire Best Village 2022 as part of the recent Northamptonshire Best Village 2022 Awards.

The George has played a big part in the village community, and we’d like to think that in our way Step Forward With Lewis has contributed something to helping Tiffield become the best place to live, relax and generally enjoy.

One of the first things we worked on with The George – along with putting landlady Laura through her PT paces! – was the setting-up of a series of bootcamps at the pub.

These proved popular with old and young in the village at a time where people were emerging from the coronavirus lockdowns. The bootcamps were such fun to be a part of, with everyone enjoying getting fit and being able to exercise (and chat!) together again.

Bootcamps at The George in Tiffield proved popular as people were emerging from the pandemic back to normal life – and fitness!

More recently we have brought our OTAGO Get Up and Go! sessions to Tiffield. Get up and Go! is part of a falls prevention programme providing strength and balance sessions for older, frailer adults to improve their mobility and confidence.

We now have an enthusiast band of people using The George to stretch and smile on Monday mornings at 10am.

The pub also helped us raise money for the World Cancer Research Fund via one of their regularly held – and hugely popular – cake sales, and by providing a meal voucher for our auction in aid of the same charity.

We certainly agree that Tiffield, and The George, deserve their award just for that – but what did the judges say!

Michelle at the cake sale at The George in Tiffield, which raised money for the World Cancer Research Fund

They said Tiffield is a thriving village with a great community spirit, praising its “excellent green spaces and pocket park”. They added they were “particularly impressed with the way the local pub, The George, has becomes such a wonderful community hub for the village, hosting many clubs and activities and even a small community shop.

“The villagers were enthusiastic and passionate about their activities and supportive of others and they have built excellent relationships with nearby villages particularly through the use of its excellent Community Minibus.”

Elaine O’Leary, chief executive of Northamptonshire ACRE and a judge for the awards, said: “The wonderful quality of the communities we visited meant that the judges had great difficulty in deciding on the level of award for each village.

“It was a pleasure to meet a wide cross-section of villagers and to see the range of opportunities and initiatives that are generated in our rural communities. We want to compliment every village that participated and thank them all for making the judges visits so informative and enjoyable.”

Well done again to everyone in Tiffield and thanks for supporting Step Forward With Lewis!