Christmas is a while off yet, but it’s fast approaching.
And like all reputable businesses these days, we thought it was appropriate Step Forward With Lewis should start advertising its Xmas products now.
But don’t worry, we won’t be asking you to put your tree up in October (unless you want to), just to get prepared to keep your festive fitness going by entering one of our Christmas virtual challenges.
And we’ve got not one but TWO December virtual challenges for you.
Some of the proceeds from both virtual runs will go to Project 16:15, Northampton’s rough sleeper charity.
What are the challenges?
Our main Christmas challenge is to run, walk or travel in your wheelchair a total of 10km across the month.
If you complete this virtual race you will get one of our Santa Run medals, as pictured above.
You can do this in one go or maybe break it down in to as many different ones as you see fit.
It’s really entirely up to you – pick your challenge, smash it out the park and pick up our funky medal!
We have a grand total of 50 medals available for this very special challenge, so please spread the word far and wide.
We also have plenty of entries available for our Father Christmas Run.
To earn this medal, you simply need to complete 5km in December.
For both of our Christmas virtuals we are asking people to get their runs done by December 20, so we can get the medals out to you in time for Christmas Day.
As ever, we don’t insist on seeing proof – we’re trusting souls and you’d only be cheating yourselves! – but if can let us know when you’ve finished, or perhaps send us some pictures to share on our social media channels, that’s be great.
Our email is

Complete 5km in December to earn our Father Christmas medal
How do I enter?
Entry for either Christmas medal costs just £10 (plus £2 postage/packaging).
£5 of your entry fee will go to Project 16:15.
There are two ways to enter:
Fill out the below form including your payment details. Make sure you indicate whether you want to enter the Santa Run virtual, the Father Christmas Run or both!
Or email us with your contact details – name, phone number and address – at and we’ll reply with details of how to pay via BACS.
Again, please make certain to let us know which virtual challenge you want to enter.
To learn how we handle your personal data please consult our Privacy Policy.
What is Project 16:15
Project 16:15 is a registered charity that operates at street level seven days a week.
Its members deliver hot food, supplies, comfort, advice, along with value, worth and dignity to rough sleepers in Northampton and Wellingborough.
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