In our latest virtual race we’re challenging you to run 10km – whichever way suits you best.

April is Autism Awareness Month, so part of the proceeds from the run will go towards the charity Autism Concern.

We’ll be donating £5 from every entry to the charity.


What’s the challenge?


In order to earn your medal you simply need to complete 10kms by the end of April.

As with all of our challenges there is no set way to do it… we don’t care if you run, walk, wheel or (bunny) hop your way to your target.

And you can do as many runs as you like to reach the distance or complete it in one glorious attempt.

Equally, we don’t need you to send us proof that you’ve finished the challenge (you’re only cheating yourself, and besides, we trust you!). That said, we’d love to see pictures, Strava maps, etc of your runs so we can celebrate your success on this website.


How do I enter?


Entry costs £12 (plus £2 postage/packaging) and you’ll get one of our medals in return.

£5 of your entry fee will go to Autism Concern.

There are two ways to enter:

  • Fill out the below form including your payment details:


  • Or email us with your contact details – name, phone number and address – at and we’ll reply with details of how to pay via BACS.

There are a limited number of places so make sure you get in there quickly!

To learn how we handle your personal data please consult our Privacy Policy.


What is Autism Concern?


Autism Concern is an independent county charity that was formed in 1991 and owes its beginnings to a group of parents of autistic children, who recognised that services for autistic people in the county were fragmentary and inadequate, particularly with regards to practical support following diagnosis.

Its aim is to promote the care, treatment and education of children and adults with autism and to secure for them provision commensurate with their need.