by stepforwardwithlewis | Nov 22, 2020 | Virtual Runs
A huge thank you to everyone who has entered our Step Forward With Lewis Rudolf Run virtual race. The challenge started on Friday (November 20) and plenty of you have already been out there starting your journey towards your marathon of miles in a month. We had 60...
by stepforwardwithlewis | Nov 7, 2020 | Virtual Runs
With Christmas fast approaching, why not make some room for the turkey by taking part in one of our virtual race challenges. Earlier this week we posted about how you can help raise money for rough sleeper charity Project 16:15 by completing a marathon any way you...
by stepforwardwithlewis | Nov 2, 2020 | Virtual Runs
UPDATE: THIS RACE IS SOLD OUT With a November lockdown in place and restrictions likely to be taking effect in some form or other throughout the latter stages of this year, it’s important everyone keeps exercising. In order to help you do just that, Step Forward...
by stepforwardwithlewis | Oct 30, 2020 | Street Dancing, Virtual Runs
Feely creepy and kooky? The Step Forward With Lewis family is all set for a spooktacular Halloween with the conclusion of our virtual challenge upon us and some seasonal street dancing in the diary. Virtual reality! Our first virtual run took place between October 5...
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