It’s been quite the week for Step Forward With Lewis… some might say amazing!

From visiting – and being honoured by – the Mayor of Northampton to joining in the fun at The Amazing Northampton Run, it’s fair to say we’ve been loving getting involved in the town’s community.

It all started with a fantastic evening last Tuesday, when I was invited to his Parlour at the Guidhall by Northampton Town Council’s Mayor, Paul Joyce.

It was all part of his celebration of The Lewis Foundation, which is his chosen charity this year.


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At Step Forward With Lewis, we’ve been lucky enough to be able to support Lorraine and Lee, and all the amazing work they do to help cancer patients.

I was delighted, and pleasantly surprised, to be recognised by the Mayor for that work. It’s the first time I’ve been honoured for any kind of charity role, and it was so lovely of Lee, Lorraine and Cllr Joyce to make me a part of their celebrations.

And I got to have a nosey round the Parlour!!

If you haven’t already check out the fantastic work The Lewis Foundation does –

Then on Sunday, I was lucky enough to be invited by Simon Hollis and Go Beyond Challenge to do the warm-up and compère The Amazing Northampton Run 2024.

As a fitness and running instructor, this is an event I absolutely love and it was fantastic to see so many people – including a host of Steppers – smashing their goals and having an amazing time, not only in the main 13.1-mile event but also in the relay and three-mile races.



Massive congratulations to all the volunteers, runners, supporters and charities who helped make this such a special event… see you NEXT YEAR!


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